Friday, June 29, 2012

General Announcement

Just like all dinosaurs it takes a long time for information to get from my tail to my head.  But after close to 80 pages of blog it has become obvious to me that it is difficult to make a comment or raise a question using blogger. So I make it a standard offer to write to me at my e-mail address with any questions or comments to be answered at the earliest convenience. My e-mail address is richard.charles.degeiso 

I just recently, for Father's Day, got the Dragon software for speech recognition.   As a matter of fact, this software can not only record my voice and automatically transcribe it into Word documents, in this case, a blog page, e-mail and the like but it can read print and send to my microphone in a very pleasant female voice.  Perhaps that will encourage me to write my blog posts more frequently. Welcome to the technological age.  We shall see.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

You and Me and Baby makes Threeeee

As I wrote in my last blog, the number three was used to give understanding to the concept or idea of what it was that one had under consideration. And I used the term 'attitude' which was the combination, so to speak, between 'experience' and 'opinion'. In other words, as one gains experience, one depends less on opinion in establishing his attitude. But in either case "attitude" always remains the sum of experience plus opinion and can never be 1oo% experience nor 100% opinion.
Our world is a dualistic world which is made up of a whole lot of "opposites". The Greeks, as least as we can tell, realized that there was something more than just the black/white of everyday existence and this they defined as the trichotomy or the Golden Mean or perhaps what Socrates meant as Values. In this case the 'value' is the mean or middle ground between two opposites and is the ordering rather than the resolution of the dualism.