Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Blend of senses

My good friend Melody K. says in a comment to the last blog....

According to "See What I'm Saying, the extraordinary powers of our five senses" - Lawrence D. Rosenblum, we can hear shapes, hear spaces, smell fear, touch speech, taste odors, touch flavor, hear faces and so on. It's an interesting book and found it pertinent to our group in exploring "a thing is what it does". As you stated the importance of that the perceptual brain relies on multisensory perception and makes sense of things by way of that information. How the senses are used appears to be quite plastic, for example when it comes to recognizing speech the brain doesn't know if it's seeing or hearing. Additional senses maybe subsets of the five, such as echolocation and proprioception. We have and make use of senses of which we are not readily aware far more expansively and fluidly.

In a very interesting signature, the Lesson on Aristotle, entitled "Aristotle's Psychology V, Potentiality" studied by those students of the Sabian Assembly, which was dated 11/14/11 but written originally by Marc Edmund Jones in the 1950's, included a statement as such....

"Thus there are the objects or particular senses as illustrated by Aristotle in seeing a color, hearing a sound or tasting a flavor. Then there are movement, rest, shape and size which are shared by several senses."

Two things are interesting to consider. (1) Melody could not have read the above-quoted Lesson because it hadn't been available much before 11/14/11 and (2) Marc Jones' original commentary was published some 60-70 years before the book which served as her source.

So when you have a conversation with a woman and she continually taps your arm while she is talking to you.... it is not necessarily a sign of intimacy ... it's just that she hears you better that way.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It is vibes after all .....

Barbara and I were having lunch together and she made the comment that she just realized how precious our senses were. She became aware of some of our friends who had trouble seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting. My answer to that was that our senses are what make us conscious of our time and space reality. In controlled experiments, people deprived of their senses, all five at once, undergo strange and bizarre reactions in their minds and perhaps if left would have become insane.

Our senses all respond to vibrations, but vibrations of different frequencies. Our sense organs act like receiving stations for these vibrations and the neuronal system transmits these signals to the brain for processing. It would appear that all living organisms process these signals in the same way. This then activates the chemicals, perhaps in the reticular activating system(RAS) and calls for the organism to an action of flight or fight. Except in the case of humans.

Humans appear to have a higher level way of processing these experiences to give them meaning or value. In other words, not all pain is "bad" but that the pain may serve a higher purpose. For example the process of giving birth. The mother tolerates the pain with full knowledge that (1) it will be over soon and (2) that it will result in the goal of the process started, in most cases deliberately, nine months ago. And (3) humans can choose not to undergo this pain at all with the use of birth control. Animals respond to their hormone systems and have at least limited choice in the matter to say the least.

So it is in the areas of creativity, imagination and intuition where humans are better at processing the vibrations from the surrounding environment even tho the basic sensory machinery is the same.

The thought occurred to me that if we are receiving stations for vibratory phenomena then perhaps we can also be broadcasting stations as well. We run into this in Astrology quite a bit. Folks want to know (1) what is my purpose in life and (2) who or where is my soul-mate. Purpose in life is something that Astrology can help with most assuredly, but soul-mate.... well that is another proposition. When the Astrologer compares the horoscopes of two people the points of resonance can certainly be identified if they are there at all. And that information can then be used to explain any attraction between the two.