Saturday, September 17, 2011

There definitely is nothing new under the Sun.

There is an old saying in Astrology and in the old alchemical books and things... "as above, so below". What is actually meant here is that the astrologers of thousands of years ago were excellent observers. And in fact their observations laid the foundation for modern Astronomy and Cosmology. But what they observed was the rhythms and cycles of the heavens and reasoned that if they were privy to the actual workings of a living organism which was nature itself then why couldn't that mirror the outworkings of nature here on earth. And since mankind was part of nature that perhaps those rhythms and patterns and cycles could give clues to the complex nature of man in his everyday existence here on earth.This is seen in the ancient literature, the Bible for instance, with the reference to "a wheel within a wheel" as in Ezekiel and the many references to the numbers four and seven in the mystical Revelations of John. Could it be that these were references to the science and teachings that they encountered as they were initiated into the priesthood? If that is true then there should be many more instances of astrological references in the Old Testament in books like Job and Daniel and the like.

I have already remarked on how the evolution of philosophical thought could be traced from the beginning when God told Adam to go forth and name all the things of the earth. Then the Hebrews numbered their tribes. Following that, they apportioned the land amongst the tribes. And always the number twelve(12) shows up.
Now in my Science News magazine I see that some physicists think that the universe is not infinite but finite instead and it is in the shape of a soccer ball. And all you soccer moms know... a soccer ball has twelve sides. So here we are back to the number 12 so often mentioned in our ancient literature. Oh well to quote a phrase... perhaps "there really is nothing new under the sun".