Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Odds 'n Ends ... or are they?

As I wandered through the minefield of my brain, careful not to set anything off that might blow it, I touched some subjects that might be of interest.  I thought of the females of the world and the pain and fear that challenged them  at least at three points in their life.  I thought of Hermeneutics which is a technique for understanding complex things through, let us say, geometry.  And I thought of sharing with you the pleasures of knowing that ones offspring have grown to the point where they too are creators of their own destiny.

So the first topic on my list won my attention and I focused on the three  key  points in the life of a female.

The first time reveals the role that women are to play in the life of the race.  And that is the onset of the first ovulation.  The pain, perhaps, the emotions evoked at the sight of ones own blood and all the other physical, mental and spiritual changes that mark this event require the comfort and support of those around.  Younger girls can only look on in awe, older woman can empathize because they too have come down that path.  Men can only sympathize because there is no way to share those feelings other than vicariously.  So at this point, the female, the woman, becomes the protector of the future of the race.  The male, the man, becomes the protector of the woman as his part in this drama.

When the female ovum is joined by the male sperm, the process leads to the next key point in a woman's journey.  And that is the birth of the offspring.  There is no question of the fear and concern about the outcome.  Hormones are changing to accomodate the process.  Since this is the first, the fear of the unknown hovers over like a shroud.  And finally the birthing itself is accompanied by considerable effort and perhaps even physical pain to make it happen.  At this time the female, the woman, needs to be sourrounded with support and protection especially that of the male who shared in this from the beginning.  She has been the major contributor in a living breathing example of a contribution to the race and a perpetuation of the gene pool.

The final node in the journey occurs when the female recognizes the end of her role in this pageant of life.  This occurs when the ovulation stops and the dread process of menopause sets in.  To some this may be a relief from the responsibilities of bearing and rearing children.  To others this may be a melancholy time because it symbolizes the end of the vital role that the female, the woman had to play in this drama we call life.  Either way, the hormones again change with the resulting upheaval in physical, mental and spiritual responses.  And it becomes another time when a female needs support and sympathy and special comfort.  Again the male cannot but sympathize with this by comort and protection and understanding of those changes.. the hot flashes, the realization that the once strong and attractive body which was the temple and the home of the race has now softened as time has taken its toll.

I realize that not all females choose, or for some physical reason perhaps, to have children.  But the nature of femaleness brings them all together in a universal sisterhood.  And I include them in my salute to the female, the Mother, the real protector of the race.  So it is the egg which did come first after all.  

I have written this as I reflect on the up-coming Mother's Day... on May 8... that would have been my mother's ninety sixth birthday had she chosen to stay in this incarnation.

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