Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Number of the Beast

A while ago I gave a presentation on the relationship between attitude and outcome.  To make a long story short, this relationship is like a pendulum.  If attitude is like the pivot point of a pendulum then outcome is the point at which the bob hangs directly below.  I mean after all they have not repealed the Law of Gravity.  Right?  When we raise the bob away from its rest point we give it potential energy.  And when we release the bob it loses potential energy as it travels back toward its rest point.  This rest point in our little diagram is the zero point and it represents the outcome of our basic attitude.  The bob then proceeds to move upward as it gains kinetic energy until it reaches a height equal to the height at which it was originally released.  So you see, attitude can be both positive and negative.  But that is not the real genius of the discussion,  The most important thing here is that your attitude determines the outcome of whatever you are doing.

Soooooooo if you don't like the outcome of what you have set in motion then change your attitude and try it again but perhaps from a different set of circumstances and most likely with a different outcome.  How do you change your attitude?  We have discussed this many times over the weeks of these blogs.  Visualization.  Visualize a positive outcome.  How would it look like when you achieve the thing you wished for.  How would you feel.   Create your own reality.  Constant reminders to stimulate the senses.  All of them that apply.  After all it is the brain that receives these inputs and processes them and gives meaning and value to your reality.

As a by-product of the thoughts that went into this post, let me share something I was puzzled about in the biblical literature for years.  In "Revelations" the number of the beast is given as 666.
Ancient mathematics was stuck at the point of only being used for accounting purposes.  This was because there was no concept of zero and no philosophical meaning for positive and negative. The number adds up to 6+6+6 = 18 and  18 reduces to 9... and the nine reduces to zero by the technique of casting out of nines.  The literature says...

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

and that sounds to me like someone who knew his math, knew his philosophy and knew what he was doing. 

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