Friday, December 10, 2010

WikiLeaks and our Personal World

Hi folks... I usually don't get on my soapbox but this issue with Wikileaks vs the World really rankles me down to my ankles.  The internet is there for us all to enjoy in a spirit of connectedness and here we have a small group of "Hackers" who have developed the ability to intrude on our private lives with their techniques of snooping into emails and financial data bases and the like.  Now they have the audacity to blackmail the world and extort from us the freedom of their leader who is spokesman for this concept.   And yet they hide behind ficticieous names and go to all lengths to keep us from knowing who "they" are.   The purpose of government is to protect the property of its citizens.  As each of us know we do not reveal everything about ourselves but only that which we want the outside world to know.  That is our private life, our private consciousness.  We also have a social consciousness where we support government or society if you will for helping us protect our property.  Like us as individuals, our government has a private side which it feels is necessary to go about their business of helping  us protect our property.

Any of us who has had our identity stolen realizes not only the feeling of loss but the vulnerability to forces beyond our control.  If you ever had your computer compromised by a virus or the like then this too is an invasion of your space,  your privacy and from what I hear this can be a serious threat to not only your privacy but also to your property, your money and whatever.

I support the governments  and the institutions of the World in their efforts to squash this threat and make the internet a safe place for our  commerce, our communication with each other and the connectedness that we are heading for as a result of the internet.

As a great American once said, at the beginning of the War with Tripoli, "Millions for defense but not one penney for tribute".

If you agree with me.... write your comments by clicking on the little pencil below and do so even if you don't agree with me.   Thank you all for your time.

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