Well folks along with the snow and ice and the responsibilities for year-end financial duties for the Sabian Publishing Society my usual weekly pattern of posts has become bi-weekly during the month of January at least. So as a result I received a "get with it" poke in the butt by my good friend Peg along with a couple of questions on Astology.
Since your "WalrusSez" has been pretty quiet, could I suggest:
Why don't you editorialize on the recent changes they have -- or are trying to -- foist upon us? I'd be interested in hearing your opinion on the new number of planets and the new number of astrological signs.
OK, I figure at least you can put into words I can understand just what these things mean. The planets really don't impact me all that much (and probably that astrology wouldn't either) but I'd be interested in knowing how you feel about it. If you put it out there, the subject(s) might get some comments and we'd see how others interpret them.
What Peg is referring to is two recent comments..(1) the declaration that Pluto is not a planet, but considered a dwarf planet and perhaps maybe not even of the solar system and (2) that the stars which made up the constellations identified as signs of the zodiac are not in the same locations as they were thousands of years ago due to the precession of the equinoxes. And these are scientifically correct observations as our technology has allowed us to make more precise and refined observations of the universe that we live in. But this matters not in the system of Astrology which divides the sphere of the sky into 12 parts and comments on the relationships of the planets of the solar system as they travel around the sun in their orbits.
It is not my intention to write a book on Astology in this blog. But Astrology when it is done in the proper fashion is just as deterministic and follows similar protocols as any scientific discipline as I have ever studied. The purpose of Astrology has always been to solve problems and understand situations more complex than just plain human conjecture can accomplish. So then the main use for Astology and its primary tool, the Horoscope, is to understand human character and personality. To depend on any one or group of stars for that purpose is not necessary to divide the celestial orb into twelve sections. So the prcession of the equinoxes has no bearing on the insight into character and personality that is revealed to the Astrologer by the Horoscope. And by the way, it will return to the way it was orignally in only a paltry 25,600 years roughly.
In the beginning, as the ancients used Astrology some 5 to 6 thousand years ago there were only seven planets in the horoscope. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These were the planets seen by the naked eye. Later on after the telescope was invented, the planets Neptune and Uranus were added and finally around 1930 Pluto was added to the lexicon of horoscopy. So for about 80 years, Pluto was considered a planet symbolizing the higher mind or a quality of personality which shows enlightenment or intellectual expansion.
But alas and alack, perhaps being technically correct is akin to being politically correct but Astrologers will still include Pluto in their horoscopes and use it to signify probity or some other higher values of character inherent in us human apes.
Thank you Peg for your question.
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